Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Oracle is one of the well know relational database management system (RDBMS) with amazing features to make a DBA's life easy. But when you are faced with an error its not easy. It's not that there are no solutions but its always irritating , because there will be thousands of answers to the problem and you will be lucky if one of them works for you.

In this few months that i have used oracle i have dealt with a lof of problems. In this series of articles regarding ORACLE i will try to give you solution on how to solve errors, plus on new features and tips on using ORACLE & SQL.



When you try to create a table some times you will see this ORA-01429: Index-Organized Table: no data segment to store overflow row-pieces Table Created, this is mainly because in CREATE statement you forgot to define the overflow segment.


ORA-01429: Index-Organized Table: no data segment to store overflow row-pieces Table Created


Table Created

you just need to define overflow segment, problem solved.

This is might be a simple problem but as i said before i will be posting more on oracle and sql so keep an eye. =ELK=


Maail said...

yo dude...got a q...if you had a choice between microsoft sql and oracle...what would you choose and why? and what front end tool would you use to implement the database...just need some help...school work :S

Elk said...

dude wat school gives projects on database...well i am not a expert i just started using oracle...if i where u will go with oracle n to create table space n db use enterprise manager...i am using Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition it pretty much have all the tools i need to maintain & create DB..hope this helps...

The Xostedenzyme said...

he means 'college' work of course ;)

maail, when were taught Oracle when first introduced to databases n were even forced to use the text-based thing... no GUI!

but since we've to use Visual Studio a lot, i use microsoft SQL server almost all of the time... it's not bad either.. if u know how to use Microsoft Access, then u'd know how to use SQL server.

both would have their advantages n disadvantages.

The Xostedenzyme said...

*we were taught (not when were)

Elk said...

nass, dude if have not tried oracle u shud try it, really dude...any way like you said both would have their advantages n disadvantages rite:)

shafiu said...

I prefer Ora. Come your development in PHP. Ora works like a charm. I have had some hiccups getting oci8 to work.
oci8 is a php and oracle connection thingy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...college...i'm going crazy...they are not teaching us the damn database...just basic concepts..they are taking it so slow...but we have to finish it by nov last week..and i don't know what to use..the problem is connecting microsoft sql server to a front end...i dunno how to...have to get my lazy ass to work i gues..read a book @_@...thanks anyways :)